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Avee Player Templates

The top 10 Best and Awesome Avee Player Templates of all time. Every template is fit in its position and each template is better than the previous one
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avee player templates

Avee Player is a popular music player app available for Android devices. It offers a wide range of features and customization options that allow users to enjoy their music in a personalized way. In this article, we will discuss what Avee Player is, its features, and how to use it to enhance your music listening experience.

What Is Avee Player?

Avee Player is a lightweight and powerful music player app that supports multiple audio formats. It is designed for Android devices and offers a range of features that make it a popular choice among music lovers. The app is available for free on the Google Play Store and has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide.

What Are Avee Player Templates?

Avee Player templates are pre-designed layouts that can be applied to the Avee Player app to customize the app's visual elements. Templates can be downloaded from various sources on the internet and come in different designs, themes, and colors. The templates are essentially XML files that contain the code for the visual elements of the player.

Video Showcasing The Best Avee Player Templates

Top 10 Avee Player Templates Of All Time

1. Rainbow Movement Waves (Personal Favourite)

avee player templates
Avee Player Template Top 1 Avee Player Templates 20mb .viz

2. Colorful Waves

avee player templates
Avee Player Template Top 2 Avee Player Templates 2mb .viz

3. Neon Waves

avee player templates
Avee Player Template Top 3 Avee Player Templates 85mb .viz

4. Penta Trap Nation

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Avee Player Template Top 4 Avee Player Templates 85mb .viz

5. Flaming Waves

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Avee Player Template Top 5 Avee Player Templates 2mb .viz

6. Perfect Trap Nation

avee template
Avee Player Template Top 6 Avee Player Templates 45mb .viz

7. Improved Trap Nation

new avee player template
Avee Player Template Top 7 Avee Player Templates 25mb .viz

8. Simple Trap Nation 

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Avee Player Template Top 8 Avee Player Templates 25mb .viz

9. Black & White (Retro)

template avee player
Avee Player Template Top 9 Avee Player Templates 20mb .viz

10. Transwhite Waves

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Avee Player Template Top 10 Avee Player Templates 1mb .viz

Benefits Of Using Avee Player Templates

Enhance the visual appeal of the app: Avee Player templates can give your music player a fresh, new look. You can choose from a variety of themes, including minimalistic, futuristic, or retro, to customize the player's appearance to match your taste.

Customize the player's visual elements: With Avee Player templates, you can customize various visual elements of the player, such as the background image, waveform color, and equalizer bars. This allows you to create a personalized music listening experience that reflects your style.

Save time and effort: Instead of designing the player's visual elements from scratch, using Avee Player templates can save you time and effort. The templates are pre-designed, which means all you need to do is download and apply them to the player.

How To Use Avee Player Templates 

Download a Template: The first step is to download a template that you like from the internet. There are many websites that offer free and paid Avee Player templates.

Install the Avee Player app: If you haven't already, download and install the Avee Player app from the Google Play Store.

Open the app and navigate to the settings: Once you have installed the app, open it and navigate to the settings by tapping on the three dots in the top right corner.

Tap on the "Visualizer" option: In the settings, scroll down and tap on the "Visualizer" option.

Tap on the "Load" button: Under the Visualizer section, tap on the "Load" button.

Choose the template file: In the file manager that appears, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the template and select the XML file.

Apply the template: Once you have selected the template file, the Avee Player app will automatically apply it to the player. You can customize the visual elements further in the settings if you wish.

Features Of Avee Player

Avee Player offers a range of features that allow users to customize their music listening experience. Some of the notable features of the app include:

Audio Visualizer: Avee Player offers a built-in audio visualizer that displays animated visuals in sync with the music. Users can choose from a range of visualizer presets or create their own custom visualizer.

Equalizer: The app also offers a 10-band equalizer that allows users to adjust the sound settings according to their preferences. It offers a range of presets for different music genres, as well as the ability to create custom equalizer settings.

Customization Options: Avee Player offers a range of customization options, including the ability to change the app's theme, font, and background image. Users can also customize the player controls and choose from a range of skins.

Folder Browsing: The app offers folder browsing, which allows users to browse their music library by folder rather than by artist or album. This makes it easier to find and play specific songs.


In conclusion, Avee Player templates are a great way to enhance your music listening experience. With their ability to customize the player's visual elements, they can help you create a personalized and visually stunning music player. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can download and apply Avee Player templates in no time.


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